Thursday, 5 April 2012


Hello IG people.

I'm sure a lot of you are into this world of social networking via mobile photo sharing. Especially now that Instagram is made available to Android phone users. Isn't that exciting?

I'm a frustrated photog. Yeah! I'm sure some of you share the same sentiments with mine. Haha After having purchased my first & only DSLR Nikon D40x some years ago, carrying it to everywhere I go and then suddenly lost interest. Haha (Too heavy/bulky) Then that's just it. It's hard to keep up w/ all these shutterbugs. LOL So I had my premature retirement as a photographer.

Then suddenly, there's Instagram. It's a simple application w/ user friendly interface that even a toddler can use & take photos that looks like a pro. (I'm a big Valencia & Nashville user, btw. LOL) Right? And w/ me as a frustrated photog, I'm back on track as a shutterbug in my own little-mobile-camera way.

I've blogged about this last year regarding Instagraming. Yes. I'm sure you'd agree too that it's habit forming. I am guilty as charged. Haha But there are users who are far more addicted than moi. I call them the "FLOODERs!" They are the heavy users who takes 10-20 photos of just about anything in a span of 5 minutes. Haha Flooding the timeline with photos that I'm sure annoys most followers w/o them realizing. Photos that tell no story at all. Or if so, repeated stories that "who gives an effin' care?" Haha I'm not sure if they do that on purpose but I'm pretty sure they have an idea that it annoys people. Me included. Haha

Anyways, Instagram management should come up with some sort of Instagram etiquette/guidelines just to show users the "DO's & DON'Ts" of posting photos. Now that this application is open to Android users, they should educate users on how to post that are logical, eye-friendly w/ good compostions (haha, even I don't know what that means. LOL), and inspires people to even take good photos that are worth sharing and worth looking at. Haha

Forgive me people, but I'm just speaking for some of my friends who noticed that Instagram has been used by some w/ nothing really interesting to look at and still photos are being shared. Haha My advice is, take it slow. One photo at a time. Be artsy. Or if not, then don't post anything. Aight? Haha

Here are some of my recent posts. They are also posted in my Tumblr account as it is sync automatically when I upload via Instagram. [ ]

BTW, my instagram username is: @Noehs_Ark. Follow me there!



You can also open your Instagram account via web even without your Iphone app or Android.You can search users, follow, like and comment but not post. It's fun coz you get to see photos on a larger scale. Here's the link: Have fun.
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