Saturday, 23 July 2011

RIP Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse (1983-2011)
It was only a matter of time, and boom, she's gone. She is only 27.  (click here for full story

When she first came out, I was like --OMG! My new inspiration. I played the REHAB song for like a gazillion times on repeat. 

She was so unique and her style of singing and tackling every note is just pure awesomeness. I mean, not your usual pop diva. And then suddenly, she's not a good inspiration. Appearing and performing on stage with traces of COKE on her nostrils. And I thought, this ain't good. But I never judge her coz' of that. She has her reasons. Besides, I adored her coz' of her talent. Mimicking her style of singing whenever we're in one of our Karaoke NIGHT with my gays. But that's just it. Her true talent exudes and covered her flaws. The talent that wowed all of us.  And with that, I feel bad for the people around her, her mom I know, who is always beside her during her tours and all her professional life as a singer/perfomer. Why can't she tell her suffering daughter to do something about it? *teary*

Yes, I am sad to hear the news about her loss. She's such a character. We all love her unique style! Her talent and fierce voice. But somehow it was not surprising. Such a waste of voice and talent. RIP, Amy! We LOVE you still!

Amy Winehouse (September 14,1983-July 23,2011)

Tonight, in honor of Amy. I am playing all her songs. Your music will live on, Amy.


Another lesson to learn. Stay safe y'all!
And thank you for sharing your gift of music to us. You'll always be remembered!

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